Join 55+ members in the success club for Real Estate Agents
Stop stressing over what content to post on your socials
Instead, learn how to get off the content creation hamster wheel by using done-for-you content and graphics that save you time, establish you as a real estate expert in your local community, and help you to create a stream of potential clients who want to hire you as their trusted real estate partner.
A lot of online marketing training is not tailored for real estate agents and the offers that do teach a similar strategy charge anywhere from $47 to $299 per month for this kind of value. But I believe all real estate agents should have access to marketing training and support so I decided to create a membership that every real estate agent could afford for just $9/month.
Get done-for-you content calendars, graphic templates, training, & online support for only $9/MONTH
Just $7/month – cancel anytime
❌ Cold calling
❌ Networking events
❌ Door-knocking
❌ Post cards
❌ Local magazine ads
❌ Event sponsorships
But OMG… you are exhausted, aren’t you?
When is [desired payoff/goal]
Here is what happens when you do that:
✅ [benefit]
✅ [benefit]
✅ [benefit]
✅ [benefit]
✅ [benefit]
✅ [benefit]
✅ [benefit]
✅ [benefit]
✅ [benefit]
✅ [benefit]
When I started out as a new [what your client aspires to be]
[a setback happened]
❌[Something you and your ideal audience tried and failed with]
❌[Something you and your ideal audience tried and failed with]
❌[Something you and your ideal audience tried and failed with]
[Describe your solution]
✅ [Result that aligns with their desired outcomes]
✅ [Result that aligns with their desired outcomes]
✅ [Result that aligns with their desired outcomes]
[Highlight the aspect you value most about your method > use this opportunity to show personality and reveal more about yourself]
[show how others have gained success with your method]
The exact steps to [desired goal] with [desired benefit].
[Big bold promise and/or description of offer]
Just $7/month – cancel anytime
Just $7/month – cancel anytime
Just $7/month – cancel anytime
Just $7/month – cancel anytime
Just $7/month – cancel anytime
If you can check one of these boxes, you’re in the right place!
Just $7/month – cancel anytime
With an [description on your process/phases/what you teach] you will become a [desired goal/title] and [benefit].
Just $7/month – cancel anytime
Just $7/month – cancel anytime
Just $7/month – cancel anytime